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What Does Your Enneagram Type Say About Your Leadership Style?


Your Enneagram Type Can Give Insight Into Your Leadership

The Enneagram has become increasingly popular over the past 10 years, especially in the workplace. You may have overheard coworkers discussing their “type” or had a potential employer ask for your enneagram number. In this article, we will break down each enneagram type to see what your type says about your leadership style. Keep reading to find out!

Type 1

Type 1 is also known as the Reformer. Very similar to a Type A personality, ones are known for being studious, fastidious, and natural leaders. They will do whatever it takes to make the things around them better, even if that means sacrificing their own personal relationships along the way. If they see a process or situation that they can improve upon, they will put the work in to create a better system. This type is known for being more instinctual than feeling and will trust their gut over their heart any day.

They may be viewed as reserved or not very outgoing, but extremely trustworthy. It would be a rare occurrence that a type one does not get the job done. However, because they feel a sense of duty and obligation to get things done, they struggle with delegating tasks or asking for help. This can be a detriment in a leadership position. Ones want to make everything around them better but do not want to rely on others to help along the way or they do not trust the team to produce the desired result. If you are a type one in a leadership role, work on building trust with your team, You may be surprised at how much easier, and sometimes fun, it can be to collaborate with others.

Type 2

Type 2 is known as the Helper. Twos are known for a cheerful disposition, empathetic attitudes, and generosity. They are kind-hearted people who only want the best for those around them and will sacrifice their own happiness if it means another’s goals can be achieved. Twos are fantastic friends and people you can lean on. They tend to be idealistic and people-pleasing.

In the workplace, Twos will do their best to help everyone around them, even if that means falling behind on their own tasks. This can be a detriment to themselves, as they value others over themselves. Because they have a strong desire to be appreciated and needed, they are usually great employees that have the business's best interest at heart and will help you on your way to success. As leaders, however, they may get caught up in the desire to be liked by everyone and not be as effective. They may also show tendencies of being possessive of people or ideas, which can be troublesome for a leader. If you are a type two in a leadership position, let go of your people-pleasing urges and make a stand, even if others do not agree.

Type 3

Type 3 is known as the Achiever. Type threes are known for their charisma, ambition, and energy. A common comparison of the Achiever is the popular kid in school. Threes are generally well-liked and looked up to as role models due to their charming nature and driven personalities. They will do whatever it takes to be successful, or seen as successful. A typical character flaw for type threes is that they are highly self-conscious. As important as success is to them it is even more important for others to view them as successful. They can also have a bit of a reputation for being workaholics.

Type threes are natural-born leaders in the sense that they ooze confidence, ambition, and appeal. However, when a three loses their confidence, they can revert to an apathetic state where they only see value in themselves if others love them. If they are not well- liked or respected by those around them, they have a tendency to shut down. If you are a type three in a leadership position, you must understand that your worth does not come from your achievements. A healthy, well-rounded type three is a fantastic leader who cares about the team and will go above and beyond for the results that they want.

Type 4

Type 4’s are known as the Individualist. Type four can be recognized through their creativity, sensitivity, and uniqueness. When you think of type four, think of an artist, musician, or actor. Many creative careers are saturated with type fours due to their sensitivity and need to set themselves apart from the norm. They may feel that they do not belong with everyone else and hold on to the strong feeling of hurt and disdain for the ordinary. They can simultaneously feel above it all and unworthy.

Because of their desire to not be like anyone else, type fours may have a difficult time in a team or group setting. They often prefer to work on their own and have reclusive tendencies and can become self-pitying. If you are a type four in a leadership position, push yourself to be more present with your team and allow your creativity to flow, and create new processes and solutions to benefit the business. The team will appreciate your unique outlook and value your creativity.

Type 5

Type 5 is known as the Investigator. They are intuitive, intelligent, and effective problem solvers. Many type fives seek careers in technological fields, medical fields, or as writers. They are highly innovative and are usually seen as being before their time. They are also known for being thinkers. They may detach themselves from those around them in favor of what is going on in their minds. Above all else, they want to know how and why things work and are driven to find their answers.

In the workplace, fives are exceptional at what they do. Because of their desire to be useful, they are willing to spend however long it takes to perfect a skill. Many fives have practiced a skill or trade to the level of mastery in their field. If you are a type five in a leadership position, you are likely a calm, level-headed leader who may have problems getting close to and building relationships with team members. It is not that you do not get along well with the team, but you prefer to stand back and observe the dynamics to be a better leader.

Type 6

Type 6 is known as the Loyalist. This type is characterized by unflinching loyalty to friends, beliefs, and ideas, as well as being responsible and anxious. Although a six is very loyal to those they hold dear, that does not mean that they are easily controlled or that they will not rebel. If a six perceives a threat to their independence or way of doing things, they can become highly defensive. They are likely to put up a much bigger fight defending someone else or an idea over defending themselves. This stems from a lack of confidence and self-worth. They are encouraging team members and natural leaders, and oftentimes are comfortable taking the backseat and allowing others to shine or take the credit.

In the workplace, a six will be an effective problem solver and will come up with many solutions to problems that have not even occurred yet. If you are a six in a leadership position, learn to trust that your team also has your best interests at heart and not be anxious about problems arising, the team has your back just as much as you have theirs.

Type 7

Type 7 is known as the Enthusiast. Sevens are an outgoing, playful, and talented group of people. They are often seen starting new projects and are quick to agree to an adventure. Sevens are very charismatic and magnetic personalities and natural leaders. People look up to sevens for their free-spirited energy and exuberance.

In the workplace, a seven may come across as scattered due to their excitement over the next big project. If you are a seven in a leadership position, slow down and complete your projects before jumping to the next. Create a to-do list and prioritize and you will be a fantastic leader for your team.

Type 8

Type 8 is known as the Challenger. This type is confident, decisive, and assertive.. They are not afraid to make their ideas known and are willing to fight for what they believe in. Many eights see success in political careers due to their personality.

If you are an eight in a leadership position, try being vulnerable with the team. They may view you as intimidating and may not want to bring new ideas to you. Level with them and be empathetic and you can be a valued, strong leader.

Type 9

Type 9 is known as the Peacemaker. They are creative, compassionate, and receptive. They value connection with others and are often seeking peace within themselves. They are wonderful listeners and creative thinkers.

If you are a nine in a leadership position, you are likely loved by your team for your empathy and kindness. However, problems arise when there is conflict within the team. Nines can become complacent in the face of adversity, which can be disheartening for a team that wants a strong leader to stand up for them. Be attentive and take a stand to keep the peace.

Unlocking Your Leadership Potential

The enneagram is an insightful tool to use within an office, and specifically to help leaders reach their potential. It can help leaders and team members to better understand one another and work together better. By understanding their leadership style based on their enneagram types, leaders can make adjustments as needed to make sure they are being the best leader possible for their team.

If you want your team to explore the enneagram together, check out our Enneagram Workshop! (


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