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Ryan (01:08):
Hey, everyone. Welcome back to the Invincible Teams podcast. I'm your host Ryan. Today I'm excited to share with you an interview. I did with Maggie Glover. Maggie is the owner of Glover fitness in Conway, Arkansas. It's an awesome all women's gym and she's just a great business owner and leader and team leader. And so I got to talk to her about all those things, about some of her journey in the entrepreneurial world and just the things that she has learned or wish she would've learned as, as a younger business owner. And yeah, it was just a great interview, really excited to share it with you guys today. If you want to know more about her business, you can find that in the show notes. And if you'd want to learn more about what it looks like to create an invincible team for your business check out the link for that in the show notes as well. Okay. That's it. Let's get to our interview with Maggie.
Ryan (02:02):
All right. Maggie Glover, welcome to Invincible Teams podcast. How are you?
Maggie (02:07):
I'm great. Thanks for having me
Ryan (02:10):
Super excited to have you here. I think anybody in the central Arkansas certainly Conway area will probably be familiar with you a little bit, but for those that are not, why don't you introduce yourself? Tell us a bit about who you are what you do and we'll go from there.
Maggie (02:28):
Okay. I am a mom, a wife I own a gym and it's a, it's called Glover fitness Conway. It is an all women's gym. It is group fitness, only free childcare.
Ryan (02:47):
How you got to where you are today with that business and just kind of the journey that led you there.
Maggie (02:55):
So I always have to start back pre-kids because before I had my first daughter, I was a counselor and I was working for about two years when I had her and then fully intended to go back to work. But I mean, I think most, a lot of women go through this as soon as they have their baby. I mean, your world just kind of turns upside down and you don't, you didn't really like, people can tell you that everything changes, but then when it actually does, like, everything is put into a different perspective. And I just, I wanted to stay home with her. And so we tried to figure out how to make that happen. I, I didn't go back to work, but the flip side of it, as blessed as I was to be able to stay home with her for a year, it's also, it was also super hard for me in any, I mean, any mom period, you know, it's a hard thing, but to, to stay at home and be with her all day was such a drastic change that I wanted something else to do. I needed something else that could fit into my life. And I'd always been active and I figured out an opportunity came across my way actually kind of searched for it. And it was called Oh, baby fitness. And it was basically a mom and baby stroller group and I became a licensee with them. And then I did that for it. It was really successful. I met some really awesome girls through it here still, who are actually at my gym still. And so I was in that for about a year and then the company made a decision that I didn't really like. And at the time of course I was really upset about it. And, but it really, it pushed me into thinking about like, well, what, what I really wanted. And I'm like kind of dreaming bigger. And then at that time, it's just so funny because, you know, I really see where God was working because I had such a passion for it. And I'm more of a risk taker. My husband is not at all. And so I knew that this was like, from God that we should do this whenever I talked to him about it and he was all in and he was like, well, sure, like you, you think we can do this and you want to do it, let's go for it. And I was like, who are you?
Ryan (05:04):
Yeah. Yeah. So have you always been that way? Like has, have you always had this entrepreneurial spirit, like starting new things, big ideas?
Maggie (05:15):
No, you know it's it, I, I never started out thinking, like I want to be a business owner, you know, I, I, I want to own something and run it. And it was just something that it just happened. Like it just came along and it was just an idea. I was so passionate. Like I could see the vision of what it, what it could be. And that got me so excited. And when I get excited about something, it's just kind of like, I don't put it down. Like, that's all I think about. That's all I want to do. It just kind of becomes like an obsession then at that point. So I just became obsessed with how do I make this work? And you know, how do we make Glover fitness happen? Yeah.
Ryan (05:54):
So, you know, you say you started this OB fitness, which is this mom stroller thing. Is that, is that what I used to call the "momfia" like this group of moms rolling around
Maggie (06:07):
Very well what, yes. Yes.
Ryan (06:09):
Okay. So how was that your first like entrepreneurial journey with that? Yeah. And how old were you at the time when you did that?
Maggie (06:19):
Let's see, Sophie was a year. I was 29.
Ryan (06:22):
Okay. So how was that being a 29 year old, you know, pretty new mom getting into this entrepreneurial leadership space kind of for the first time? What was that like?
Maggie (06:34):
Yeah, well, you know, it was really fun. Like, I, I loved it. I, I figured I figured it out at that point that I really liked being like the boss, even though it wasn't like a, it wasn't a huge operation immediate, it was just kind of like I set up classes online. I, I tried to promote, which I that's one of my weaknesses, I'm awful on social media, but, you know, I tried to, I, it was a process of figuring things out and, and I kinda, I like to figure things out and I like to problem solve. And so I also like to be in charge of my own schedule and my time. So that was really cool. I really loved that part of it, but really, like, I had so much fun doing it and I had so much fun doing something that I loved meeting these amazing women that were like really filling up my life. I really feel like it was, it did more good for me than anyone else, you know, to be able to do this and meet moms and work out. And so yeah, I mean, it just, it all worked out, but it was, it was just really fun. So it was just kind of natural to be like, okay, well, let's do this bigger, you know?
Ryan (07:37):
Yeah. So how did you go from, you know, the Don of the Momfia to to Glover fitness now?
Maggie (07:46):
Well, like I said, there, they made that the company made a business decision that like, I didn't, I didn't really like and so I was talking to my friend, her name's, Erin Connor, she's the former owner of share the love, which is a place where I had done some mom and baby Pilates and we kind of branched out and did more classes than just stroller. And she said she mentioned to me about this place called McClure fitness in Benton. And just like, it sounds like, kind of like something that you, you would like, and like you would want to do. And so I got hooked up with Marietta McClure and she basically, she became my consultant in how to start this business. Now, mine is pretty much modeled after hers, except that I'm, I'm all women. I really felt strongly that it was going to thrive as an all women's gym. So that's kind of the big difference there, but she helped me tremendously along the way. And yeah, I just definitely could not have done it without her she's she was awesome. And still is, she still helps me out. I got questions. I'm like, Hey, what do you do about this? And, you know, she's there,
Ryan (08:47):
So how how is Glover fitness doing today?
Maggie (08:51):
It's going good. At the, at the moment we are shut down because of the, the recent COVID cases at the gym. So I made the decision about, I guess it was close to two weeks ago to shut down whenever we started having some cases and trying to figure out like a game plan of some tighter restrictions and what, what we need to be doing differently. So yeah, we open up Monday.
Ryan (09:17):
Okay. Well, I know you also have through this season done some really cool things to kind of pivot your business model a little bit to to still have revenue streams going on. So, so talk about that a little bit.
Maggie (09:32):
So you know, COVID hit in March and that was like a slap in the face, I think, to everybody. And we were, you know, we were mandated to shut down. And so at that point, really, it just became like, okay, how, how do we do this? You know, we were thrown a curve ball, like let's figure it out. Everyone in the world has to figure out what they're doing now, you know? And so what we did initially we just, we started doing videos online on YouTube for free, and really a lot of that was just because I knew I needed it. And I knew that I needed to stay active. I knew that was important for my members. And I wanted to, at the time to give them something that they could do because, you know, we hadn't set up, we've never done any classes online. I did it feel right about asking people to pay for them, you know as far as that went and then but eventually we rented out our bikes, which a lot of studios did. And then we had some paid memberships to a Facebook group where they could then get some videos, some spin videos. So we rented out steps. We've been rented out weights because at the time, like, you know, nobody could find weights, right. So we just, you know, we just had to keep figuring it out and then whenever problems arose or, you know, zoom wasn't working, how we wanted this to work or this wasn't perfect, then we just kind of have to keep adapting.
Ryan (10:59):
So, I mean, obviously this year has been a challenge for just about everybody, but just as you look back over the years of being a business owner and leader, what have been, what's been one of the biggest challenges that you have overcome as a business leader,
Maggie (11:15):
One of the biggest challenges. Hmm. I mean, gosh, yeah. For, for sure, for sure. COVID I think that would top, top them all trying to figure out how to keep a business alive. But other than that, I think that in the beginning, whenever, you know, we were, we're just starting out and you know, things aren't going, how you want them to go. You know, we don't have, you don't have the numbers in classes. Like sometimes we were teaching classes of, of one, like it would become, it would become a personal training session. And, and that's, that's what I tell my, my instructors too is, you know, whenever you don't have the numbers, you need to, you need to treat those girls as if they are Queens at that point, you know, and, and taking something that is, is a hard thing, you know, to go to a group fitness class that may only have two or three people, you know, as the instructor and they're depending on you to have that energy and the enthusiasm and really get them going, that's a hard thing to dig deep. And so I had to really number one, you know, make sure that that, that was being modeled by me, you know, that even though that that's disappointing, I mean, months and months of that, where it was, it was a struggle that I didn't let that, that get to me and just realize, you know, that that's how it's going to be at least in the beginning. And you just have to push through those times and you have to take it and and roll with it and see the good in it. And so, and, and actually what I, and I'm so glad you asked this question. I haven't thought about that in so long, but you know, some of those girls that we had those intimate, I call them the training sessions, a personal training sessions. They are our most loyal and devoted members because we really established that relationship with them, you know? And so I look back and I think God was teaching me some hard lessons about how, you know, you gotta be resilient. It's it's not gonna come easy. And, you know, there's a reason why small businesses are so hard, you know, and you don't ha you don't ever need to feel entitled. Like things are going to be easy, you know, it's things should be easy. No, that's just not how it is, you know? So yeah, I think in the beginning that, that was definitely the biggest challenge is just overcoming that.
Ryan (13:35):
That's great. You mentioned instructors and just different people, I guess, that you've built a team around yourself. So tell me about your team. How, how many people do you have on your team now? What all the different people do?
Maggie (13:51):
Oh my gosh, they're amazing. I love my instructors. They, you know, I just, everything relates back to COVID, but you know, you, you know how you know that you have great people when you go through something like that and you learn that you can rely on them, you know, like they are there, they are with me through thick and thin. They are tough. They are generous. I mean, so anyway my team I've got about, I've got, I think, 16 instructors on my team right now. In the beginning I had I think we started off with six and in the beginning I actually think, I only knew one of them previously. And other girls, like I sent out like, Hey, like this call for applications. And that, that was hard too. Because now the great thing is that I get instructors. I pick instructors from women within the gym that already kind of get the atmosphere, kind of get what Glover fitness is about. The ladies already know them. They want to support them. So, you know, the last couple years, it's all been ladies that I know their character. I know that they can kick my button to workout, you know? So like, I've seen that, like, I've worked out with these ladies and then I pick them in, of course, you know, I get, I get to pick people I work with. It's amazing. Like, I like them all. We like each other. So, you know, it just kind of works. And then they all have their different specialties, you know, not, not one of them is like the other some of them are, they all have their different styles, you know? Some of them will be as nice. And you talked to him and you would think she would never hurt me in a class. And I mean, they are ruthless, you know, in class, but they talk like this, keep going, keep going. You know, some of the girls that they were listening to, this, the new I'm talking about, and then other ones are kind of like the drill Sergeant and like just, you know, chew your butt out to get you going, you know, it's great. It's kind of like in different styles, work for different people. And so our members kind of learn like, Hey, maybe I thrive under this way or this way. And or maybe I like a whole variety, you know? So it all just kind of works together, really harmoniously.
Ryan (16:07):
I love that. Like pulling people from the classes, people that you already know and have you know, built a relationship with. And what I hear you kind of saying is that because they already know a lot about the culture of the company you're trying to build it's, it's an easy kind of process to integrate them into that role. Why, why is that culture so important to you as a business leader?
Maggie (16:32):
Because I think that I believe that people and women, especially, they want to be a part of something bigger than themselves. I think that once you buy into being a part of a team, because I mean, I've been on teams my whole life, and I've seen the magic that comes from being on a team. There is, there's something there's an added element that you, you can't get when you're, maybe you're just in a sport for yourself. Okay. But it also translates into life. And especially in the gym atmosphere that, I mean, that comes to just like when we're running sprints, you know, in class and they're yelling for each other, they're supporting each other. They want everyone to succeed and it creates this comradery. And then it transcends past the gym. It, they go into, they, they start to learn about each other's lives and they actually care about their victories outside of the gym problems they have outside of the gym. So it creates a really tight knit group. And it's women not just thinking about themselves. Like, that's what I love. I love it because our women are just, there's so much about each other. And then when you're on a team, you're all you're thinking about the other person you don't want to give up because of her next to you, you know? And in turn, it makes you push harder. So there's just, there's just a magic of group fitness. And, and more than that, like, I like to think about everyone we're in class as a team. So that, like, my instructors are a team when we're in class, that is your team. I tell them that, like, these are your team members today, you know? And so it's important to me whenever I'm hiring somebody that they understand that like, when you're, when you've already been coming to the gym and you get that, then it's, it's not, I don't have to teach you that, you know, you just like, get it. And I don't even sometimes I don't know if it's a thing that you can teach, you know? But yeah, it it's super, super important to me.
Ryan (18:34):
So, you know, this is called Invincible Teams podcast, and I think you're kind of circling this right now a little bit, but if you had to boil down, you know, the things that make a team, invincible quote unquote that make a team really great. W what do you think is the most important thing for a team?
Maggie (18:54):
I think it had to be sacrifice, so let's kind of a broad abroad answer, but what I mean is, like, for example, I'm thinking about my instructor team. And one thing that I think makes us great is that they're willing to sacrifice for one another, for example you know, we only have, we have certain slots in each schedule. And a lot of times, I mean, when most of the time it's a business, I I've got to put the classes. I know that people want, that they're going to show up to that are, you know, bringing in good numbers. And but a lot of times it doesn't, it doesn't matter. It could go either way, like either, either one will work, but you know, maybe this girl wants this time slot for this class and this works for her, but they, they both actually want it. There are a lot of times where there could be some clashes there, you know, of course, like I'm mediating, but that doesn't happen for them because what happens is, is they, number one, they it's like, they want the good of the team. They see the bigger picture. So a lot of times they're, there's so much sacrifice that I see from a lot of my instructors. And they're like, okay, well, you know what it, you know, if you think either one will work, but let her have, let her have it this session. And then, you know, maybe we'll talk about it later, but whatever works best for the team, you know? So to me, the fact that they're willing to put the team what's good for the gym above just what's good for them individually. I think that makes,
Ryan (20:24):
I think that's, that's awesome. That's one of the things that if, if you've ever looked at five dysfunctions of a team with Patrick Lencioni it's this kind of model for how teams can work together. And that's one of the things he talks about is it's the very top of the five is inattention to results. And what he talks about there is inattention to team results, right. Versus those individual results. And having a focus like you're talking about on the overall team results and a team goals and team success has this almost trickle down effect on everything else. Right. and so I love that. I think you're, you're spot on with that.
Maggie (21:07):
Yeah. I mean, it's, it makes total sense. It makes total sense because, you know, I can remember sitting on the bench sometimes when I wanted to play, but I knew like in that particular situation, at that time, that girl was going to do a better job than me, for whatever reason. And even though that, that can kill you to sit on the bench because you want to play the fact that, you know, that she's probably going to get this done better than I was, is preferable is better. You know? And I mean, that's a tough lesson to learn, but it's a good one.
Ryan (21:40):
I love that and I can relate to that too. You know, I grew up playing sports and basketball was probably the one I played the most growing up. And, and I remember, you know, if, if the other team, if we needed to score more points, I was not the guy to put in. Right. But if we needed to stop the other team's best player from scoring more points, I was on the floor every time. Right. Because that was the role that I played and was really good at. And, and yeah, sometimes you got to sit there on the bench whenever it's not your time and, and the team needs something else.
Maggie (22:14):
Exactly. It didn't trusting, trusting too. Cause I mean, I can remember times too where, I mean, cause you want to play, you know, you want to be out there and maybe you think it's the wrong decision. Maybe you think you shouldn't be on the bench, you know, but you are binged, you know, and it's so kind of just like deferring to that leadership and saying, okay, you know, maybe, maybe I don't think it's the best plan, but like, I'm going to go along with it, you know, and knowing your place and knowing your role, like that's important too.
Ryan (22:43):
Well. And so for you, you find yourself in this position where you're not just one of the players, you're more like the coach making a lot of these leadership decisions. So, so what has that experience taught you about teamwork and about leading a team?
Maggie (22:59):
Oh my gosh. I think when I sit down and think about it, there's, there's a lot of really as far as leading a team, I think that, I think that there are probably only a few things that I would be good leading that, and it it's, it's gotta be something that I care about and like I'm really passionate about because I think that what works and why, why our team works is because for a lot of reasons, but one of those is because what we're doing is something that I love. Like I love what we're doing, I believe in it, you know? And I think that if it was something, if I was trying to lead a team about, I don't know, gardening, you know, how, if that was my business, like it wouldn't work because I don't care that much about it. You know what I mean? So the fact that I have a passion about it, I think that that's what makes it, makes it work. And that's what other people feed off of too. Like if we've got some kind of new idea or project we're working on and I'm excited about it, you know, then it, it kinda, it kinda spreads too, and we all kind of feed off each other. So that's been fun. You know, being being really open to feedback even when it's hard to hear, especially from my instructors, because, you know, if you hire people, then you got to also trust that, you know, they, they have things of value to say, like you can't just hire people and then just be like, you know, shut up. No, I I'm leading this. So whenever anyone wants to come to me with something I really try to listen. Even, even if it's something hard maybe something that I need to change about the way I'm doing something, you know that's been, that's been a learning process for me to just kind of being able to being able to take criticism and and then turn it into what it is, you know, it should be just constructive.
Ryan (24:54):
Yeah. Well, so I've heard you say a few things as we've been recording this that have stuck out to me. And, and for all the Enneagram heads out there that are listening this will kind of come together here is you've talked about passion, right? Being passionate about things you mentioned, really enjoying being the boss and your own boss, making your own schedule all those kinds of things. And so it won't surprise anybody that's versed in the Enneagram to, to know, to hear that you are an Enneagram eight which is, is awesome. Eights are definitely some of my favorite. They get a lost, a lot of stuff done. Right.
Maggie (25:36):
I get a lot of stuff done. You're right. Check off that to do list tons of stuff.
Ryan (25:42):
You talk about energy and, and and drive all that stuff. But I imagine that the team that you have is probably all, not people. Exactly like you, they probably have a lot of different personalities and things. And so what do you think the role of personality is as you are leading a team as you're building a team growing a business, how do you think that plays in?
Maggie (26:07):
Well, I mean, as far as my personality or like theirs as well, like both. Yeah. All of it both. Well, I think that you have to, number one really, really know who you're working with. You know, like, know your people, understand them, like developing individual relationships with them and kind of understanding like how they work. You know, whereas some people I know are never going to ask me, they're not going to be as assertive. They're not going to ask me for this time slot or they're, they're not going to ask me, you know, if they can branch out and do a different class. And I kind of have to be in some situations a little bit more pushy with different girls, you know, that I know that I can kind of, I need to push them out of their comfort zone. They're not going to do that, you know, naturally on their own. And then, so, and then it's just with other personalities, like I said, it's just really understanding who they are and so, and how, how you deal with them best. Well, that's probably, yeah.
Ryan (27:07):
I love that. You know, a lot of times when I teach Enneagram stuff to two groups, I will say that at least in our time in our culture, I think the most difficult combination to be is to be a female eight. Right. and so for you, how has being a female Enneagram eight in the entrepreneurial business owner leader space? How has that been difficult? And how has that been rewarding? Yeah.
Maggie (27:36):
Yeah. well, like I told you, I don't, I don't know if I know enough about my number to, to really say so much about it. I do know that as far as my relationships with women in the, in the gym and like my, my instructors, I've not felt like I've ever been, you know, really pushy or like, I guess what might be a stereotypical eight would be. But there are definitely instances, I guess, just in business dealings, not like I said, not really with instructors or members, but just getting things done with people that like I need to from my business and when things don't go, how I think they should go, or I feel like I'm being treated unfairly or I kind of have to fight for my business. That's I guess when I feel like the, maybe the stereotypical eight will come out. And like I told you before, I think my husband probably sees that more than anyone too, but there's a lot of times where I've had conversations as in not a lot. There's definitely a handful I can think of right now where I will get off the phone or I'll be done with that conversation. And then I've questioned myself and I'm like, dang, was, I, was, I like really rude about that was, that was that bad. So I'll definitely, I questioned it and, and I feel like the I questioned and what, what they think about me, you know? So I definitely can tell that I guess as far as being an eight in that way, it will it'll, it'll come out.
Ryan (29:15):
Yeah. Well, and I know, you know, you may not want to brag on yourself too much here, but, but what about your, you know, being this female business owner, Enneagram eight, like all that stuff wrapped up, what about that? Have you,
Maggie (29:30):
What have I loved about being a business owner? Oh my gosh. Yeah. Well, I I've, I've really feel like I've, I've thrived in it. I, I absolutely love that today. Like I wake up and I decide what needs to happen. I look at the whole big picture and I decided what's a priority today. I don't have to answer to anybody, you know, really well, except, you know, my, my client or my, our members, but I get to decide that I love that. I get to dictate my day now. I'll probably, I'll probably be the hardest boss I ever worked for. You know, there's no one else that's ever pushed me as hard as I pushed myself. So, I mean, sometimes I don't like my boss, but I, I really, I really love it. You know, it's it's just fun and I, I get to do something I love and have that flexibility. So yeah, it's been a great experience.
Ryan (30:26):
That's really great. I, so I have one more question for you. And it might be the hardest question yet. So get ready for this. What lessons have you learned that you wish you could have passed on to your younger self?
Maggie (30:40):
Oh my gosh. Pass on to my younger self. Well, it depends on, on how much younger, because if it's like, you know, high school Maggie, I would say, listen, you can go to college and play volleyball, but you don't need to worry about grad school. You're not going to use it for more than two years. Don't do that. So I would, I would tell myself that but you know, like it all reality looking back, I know that I met some wonderful people in grad school and God, God had a reason for that. Apparently wouldn't use my degree, but let's see what else. You know, as far as the business, what I would tell myself is I would just say, go all out. Don't don't let any part of fear hold you back. The, there have been opening. The gym was not a decision. I didn't fear, obviously it was one really based in faith and it was awesome. But then there are some decisions I've made for the business that I feel like have been more out of fear than out of really faith. So like I said, like I was I feel like I'm, I'm a risk taker, but whenever I play it safe, I regret it. So, you know, I had an offer, for example, I had an opportunity. I love the space we're in right now. It's, it's been great. It's worked out perfectly. I love it. I love downtown, but there was an opportunity to rent out this other space. And it was bigger, much bigger and that's one of the issues I'm facing right now is I really, I want more square footage. I want a lot more space because, you know, we need it. I think we can fill it up. And I look back and I had wished I hadn't made that decision out of fear. Like, well, I don't know if this is even gonna work. You know, I don't know. I think I need to go with the smaller space and keep, and, and I really feel like if I really liked that could have been a great opportunity something that a place we would have thrived as well, but you know, hindsight's 2020, but yeah, don't, don't play with anything safe. Yeah. Just go for it.
Ryan (32:54):
I love that. I love that. Well Maggie, thanks so much for being on the podcast today. I think that a lot of people that listen to this, we'll, we'll get a lot of good stuff out of it and really enjoy hearing about your story and the things that you have have learned along the way. It sounds like you've got a great thing going and a great team around you. And so just wish you continued success and, and growth with your business. And thank you so much. And yeah. Thanks for, for being a guest on the podcast.
Maggie (33:22):
Yeah. This was fun, Ryan. I appreciate it.
Ryan (33:25):
Thanks for listening today to the Invincible Teams podcast, we'd like to challenge you now to go share this episode with a team leader or business owner, you know, that might like it. And just like every podcast, we appreciate all the subscribes, likes, shares, reviews, and five star ratings you can give us. And like we always say, we believe that every team should reach their potential and that if we get intentional, our teams can become invincible. See you next time.
Maggie (34:01):